Ultimate Insanity Wiki
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Type {{delete}} on the page to be deleted.BandAid (formerly known as Bandage)is the new Intern for episode 4 of Ultimate Insanity.

Band-Aid appears to be golden-tan Scar Bandage with a Blue square-shaped Sticker in the middle.Band-Aid is a very caring person for all people.He can have hatred towards people such as Bowling Ball.

He ignores people who are mean to others and does not want to work for Battery,except he Is keeping it a secret.

In Episode 4 he is shown watching UI 2 on his Television,and sees the part Where The Shattered Glasses start to be rude to Chef Hat,and suddenly hates the full team,then He signs up to be Battery's intern.

When he barely layed his pen on his paper,Battery showed up telling B.A. They have to set up for the next challenge.B.A. Then asks how he knew He was signing up.
